The three wise men

The Stats

  • Date/Time : 10.06.2015 / 20h30
  • Estimated Liters : 16
  • Estimated Kilos : 6
The beach close to sunset.


Another stormy week in Geneva gives us insight into what the lake contains. Most of the deposit from the storm was natural – leaves and sticks and shells and feathers. However, there were a million little plastic straws, and we had the same debate as always: Are they popsicles, lollipops, or Q-tips ??? Much of the trash we found deposited by the storm was small and had been significantly decayed.

While we had storms during the past week, there was plenty of evidence that people had been enjoying the last two days of sunshine : beer and iced tea bottles and fresh cigarette butts dotted the beach.

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A big thanks to Guliver Rojas and Abbas Daiyar for their help.

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